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There are currently 42 links.

Caving Associations
·  CDS 25 - ComitĂ© DĂ©partemental de SpĂ©lĂ©ologie du Doubs
·  FFS - FĂ©dĂ©ration Française de SpĂ©lĂ©ologie
·  FSE - FĂ©dĂ©ration SpĂ©lĂ©ologique EuropĂ©enne
·  HSS - Croatian Speleological Federation
·  SSI - Societá Speleologica Italiana
·  SSS - Swiss Speleological Society
·  UBS - Union Belge de SpĂ©lĂ©ologie
·  UIS - International Union of Speleology
·  UISIC - UIS Informatics Commission
·  USGS - U.S. Geological Survey
·  VdHK - Verband der deutschen Höhlen- und Karstforscher e.V
·  VĂ–H - Verband Ă–sterreichischer Höhlenforscher

Cave Rescue Associations
·  European Cave Rescue Association - Exchange of knowledge and experience in the field of cave rescue

Caving Software
·  Carto - A tool for cave cartography
·  Caveatron - Fast and Easy 3D Cave Mapping
·  Survex - Open source cave-surveying software package
·  WinKarst - Cave Mapping Software

Training Web Sites
·  École Française de SpĂ©lĂ©ologie - Commission d'enseignement de la FĂ©dĂ©ration Française de SpĂ©lĂ©ologie
·  Speleoparcours Villers-le-Gambon - Site d'entraĂ®nement

Caving Magazines
·  spĂ©lĂ©o - Le magazine de la spĂ©lĂ©o d'exploration
·  SPELEOGENESIS - Online Scientific Journal (includes a Glossary of Cave and Karst Terms)

Personal Homepages
·  Mensch und Höhle - von Franz Lindenmayr

Caving Directories
·  Cave Links A-Z - No frills, no bells, no whistles – just links
·  Portail SpĂ©lĂ©o - Les clubs de spĂ©lĂ©ologie en France
·  The Cave Database - Caves and underground features (mainly in the UK)
·  World Cave Database - Database of long and deep caves from all around the world

Manufacturers - Caving Equipment
·  PETZL - Caving equipment

Cave Photography and Film Making
·  Karst Productions - Wes Skiles' Underwater Photography
·  SpĂ©lĂ©ovision - Festival of caving and canyoning film
·  The Virtual Cave - Wonders of the underground

·  Glossaire de gĂ©ologie - Cet article est un glossaire de gĂ©ologie
·  La Terre et ses phĂ©nomènes naturels - GĂ©ologie, l'hydrologie et la mĂ©tĂ©orologie
·  Planète Terre - Un cours de culture scientifique en gĂ©ologie
·  Portail gĂ©ologique - Lexique gĂ©ologique
·  The Caver's Multi-Lingual Dictionary - An International joint effort of the Caver's Dictionary Working Group of the UIS
·  The National Geoportal of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg - The official national platform for governmental geodata and services

·  AJL - Les Auberges de Jeunesse Luxembourgeoises
·  Eurobats - The Agreement on the Conservation of Bats in Europe
·  FSE - EU Cave & Karst Protection
·  Knots - Tutorial on how to do knots, with a lot of animated examples and explanations
·  MNHN - MusĂ©e national d'histoire naturelle
·  Natur- & Geopark MĂ«llerdall - An educational learning path for families

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