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Posted by Yves SCHINTGEN on 25/06/05, updated on 29/06/05 Photo
GSL transfers all his equipment to new location
Friday 24-06-2005, a small team of GSL-members meets at 6:00 pm at the Scout-home in Bridel to transfer all equipment back to their new location.
Photo by ys-youthhostels.lu
GSL transfers equipment to new location
Norry, Antoine, Claude, Medy, Philippe, Yves, Carmen and Gast meet at 24-06-2005 with aim to transfer all equipment of GSL to the new location. Although equipment was heavy, weather very hot and material had to be carried a long way, the present members managed to transfer all equipment until 10:30 pm.
Unfortunately the room accorded to GSL does not permit a total placement of all our "stuff" (yes, we have to much of it), so that some furniture had to stay in front of the room. A solution will certainly be found here soon...
Thanks to everyone helping at this "heavy" transfer and also to the Scouts Association of Bridel for "supporting" our equipment for the last past years!

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