Results: 1 - 2 of 2 entries
Posted by G.S.L. Caving Group on 14/08/09, updated on 05/07/11 |
HÖHLEN - Luxemburgs geheimnisvolle Unterwelt |
Photo by Jerome Konen |
HÖHLEN - Luxemburgs geheimnisvolle Unterwelt, cover page. |
Photography by Jerome Konen
Text by Ed Sinner, Sonja Faber, Francis Massen, Jean-Claude Asselborn, Jean-Marie Sinner, Jean-Claude Thies, Guy Waringo, Nicole Droessaert, Guy Schintgen, Änder Botzem, Alain Faber
Format: Hardcover with jacket, 23 x 32 cm, 160 pages, 155 photos and 20 illustrations
Language: German
Editor: Jerome Konen
Publisher: Editions Schortgen
ISBN: 978-2-87953-078-9
>> View Synopsis The photographs and the stories behind the various explorations would be sufficient to recommend this work, but it also includes exciting material on the history of the caves, their biological diversity, the tools used by the cavers during their explorations over a period of 50 years, and the geological process behind the formation of caves.
Synopsis (in German): Luxemburgs Unterwelt verbirgt geheimnisvolle Orte unter Tage, Labyrinthe ohne Ende, prachtvolle Hohlräume und beängstigende Klüfte – die atemberaubende Wunderwelt der Höhlen.
Erleben Sie die Faszination und die stille Schönheit dieser verborgenen Orte in einer Zeitreise über 50 Jahre Höhlenforschung und Entdeckungen in Luxemburg.
Spektakuläre Fotos, begleitet von spannenden Texten über Entstehung, Geschichte und Erforschung dieser Höhlenwelt machen dieses Buch zu einem einzigartigen Werk. Eine Mischung aus Abenteuer, Fakten und Anekdoten, erlebt und erzählt von kompetenten Autoren, begleitet den Leser auf einer Reise, bei der es nur ein Bedauern gibt: Endstation ist die Oberwelt! |
Price: EUR 39,50 (shipping rates)
Item in stock! |
Posted by G.S.L. Caving Group on 27/09/06, updated on 26/10/10 |
The Moestroff Cave |
Photo by Francis Massen |
The Moestroff Cave - cover page. |
Text by C. Boes, C. Ek, S. Faber, A. Kies, F. Massen, G. Schintgen, E. Sinner, G. Waringo
Format: Paperback, DIN A4, 200 pages with 8 full colour glossy pages
Language: English
Editor: Francis Massen
ISBN: 2-919900-00-5
>> View Synopsis For over 4 years, a lot of automatic working instruments monitored different climatological parameters, as well as Radon and CO2 concentration. From the overhelming mass of data emerges a clear picture of the cave air dynamics, the short term and seasonal variations of air flow and gaz concentrations. The final report extends the scope of the research project by contributions on history, geology, hydology and instrumentation techniques from seven authors.
» Additional informations
Excerpts of the book (PDF):
· Air flow oscillations
· CO2
· Energy balance
· Radon
· Temperature Price: EUR 20,00 (shipping rates)
There are only 4 items left in stock! |