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Posted by Yves SCHINTGEN on 04/10/06, updated on 04/10/06 Photo
'Schiefergrouf zu Nidderwampech' CAVING
Visit of an old schist pit in Niederwampach (L) in the North of Luxembourg. On Saturday 30 septembre 2006, Medy, Antoine, Laurent, Rosch, Patrick and Yves met near the bikepath Wiltz-Bastogne in Niederwampach to take a visit to the old schist pit situated on both sides of the bicycle path.
Text by Yves Schintgen
Photo by Yves Schintgen
On the bicycle path, searching for the entrance
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At about 14h we met at Schuman near Wiltz to head for Schleef and Niederwampach, starting point of our visit.
After putting on our equipment for wet conditions, we searched for the entrance of the first schist pit, which was easy to find.
Clear and cold water reaching over our knees was awaiting us and we went in under rather unpleasant conditions.
We explored nearly all passages going up and down in all directions and discovering big halls and small transits. Lukily enough there was only water in the entrance passage.
After this visit, going back through the cold water, we searched for another pit on the other side of the bicycle way, which we found rapidly. This was not very big, as there was only one corridor with a pit at the end.
We ended up our visit by going back to the cars by walking in river bed, we were wet anyway.
After getting out of the wet equipment, we were having our diner at "A Péitesch" in Eselborn near Clervaux, where we searched for possibilities for our next caving expeditions and went home at about midnight.

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