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Posted by Yves SCHINTGEN on 27/06/05, updated on 11/07/05 Photo
GSL and GSRA family day CAVING
On Sunday 26th June, GSL and GSRA organised a commun family day. Meeting at glacis field at 9h30 am, a group of 33 members (with children) start his way down in Luxembourg at the "Gëlle Fra" to visit the "Casemattes".
Text by Yves Schintgen
Photo by Yves Schintgen
Entry of casemattes at the Gëlle Fra
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The group of 33 members of the GSL and GSRA first visited the "Casemattes de la Pétrusse" with a guide of the association "Amis de l'histoire de la forteresse de Luxembourg", who gave us very detailed and funny explanations about the origin of the fortress and the life of the soldiers at the different occupation periods.
Coming out at the "Pétrusse", we took a tunnel of 900 m long which is placed under the whole City of Luxembourg and we reached the "Paffendall" (not very far away from the Red Bridge) on the other side.
After watching a little film about the history of Luxembourg in a old fortress entry tower, our way went up to the "Bock" where we quit our guide.
We then had lunch at the Pizzeria Bacchus, before a smaller group proceeded the visit with the "Circuit Vauban" to end up again on the Glacis field.
An interesting visit of the old fortress of the City of Luxembourg and a lot of members to take part at this common family day of GSL and GSRA!

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